Since 2010, Disaster Assistance Partnerships (DAP) supports home economics and family and consumer science programmes in developing countries that have been hit by natural disasters.
Typical activities include distribution of basic kits to rebuild home economics education and services and income generation training. Among others, DAP worked with women’s cooperatives in Sierra Leone and Honduras. The partnership usually targets low and lower-income economies but was also activated after a devastating hurricane season hit the Caribbean in 2017.
The program was started twelve years ago from scratch, using borrowed equipment, donated resources locally and mostly held outside under a thatched roof. Space inside the school was added recently but could not be furnished for lack of funds. DAP together with International Home Economics services (IHES) was asked to assist. IHES funded phase 1 by poviding funds to the Guyana Ministry of Education Home Economics Officer to purchase and deliver basic equipment such as gas stoves, sewing machines, a generator, etc.
In phase 2, DAP focused on teaching material and supplies for classes which were bought locally or shipped from the DAP warehouse Arkansas. When the shipment arrived in November 2022, DAP and the Guyana Ministry of Education decided to expand the successful home economics education program which now serves five additional locations in this remote the region.
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