The IFHE Distinguished Service Award honours members for their outstanding contribution to the Federation and the profession as such.  

IFHE Distinguished Service Award Requirements

2024 Awards go to Lilha LEE, Juanita MENDENHALL & Ingrid-Ute LEONHÄUSER


Prof. emer. Lilha LEE has been nominated by a notable number of Asian Home Economics Associations.  Professor emer. Lilha Lee served as IFHE President from 2004-2008 during a time of challenge and change for the IFHE and the home economics profession. As an outstanding leader and academic, she served her term of office with the utmost integrity and professional conduct. During her term of office as IFHE President, Lilha led numerous significant initiatives including:

  • 2008 IFHE Centenary Congress
  • Introduction of the IFHE journal
  • Development and launch of the IFHE position statement
  • Vision to host the 2016 IFHE Congress in South Korea



Juanita MENDENHALL was nominated by IFHE US and CAHE. Both organisations point out her longstanding contribution to IFHE. One of her singular accomplishments that has stood the test of time was to foster the creation of the Disaster Assistance Program(DAP), established to provide technical, material, and financial assistance to areas affected by naturaldisasters. DAP represents several home economics organizations and remains an IFHE Programme Committee.


Prof. emer. Ingrid-Ute Leonhäuser received the IFHE Award of Appreciation from the IFHE Executive Committee for her longstanding dedication to the Home Economics Profession and the IFHE. During more than 30 years of membership she has served at different Programme and Council Committees. As an outstanding academic, she chaired the IFHE Congress Research Committee until 2022 during the challenging times of the pandemic.


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