To submit a manuscript, you need to download and complete a copy of the submission form. In completing the form, you will be asked for the following information:
Manuscript details (page 1)
- Manuscript title (25 word limit)
- Article type such as research paper, viewpoint paper, technical paper, conceptual paper, literature review, general review (more information is available on the form)
- An abstract of 100-200 words. Please note that Research paperabstracts include the following: Purpose, design/methodology, findings, research limitations/implications, practical implications, social implications
- Information about ethics permission
- Disclosures and acknowledgements
Checklist to ensure you meet the standards for publication (page 2)
- Blind Copy (the following will be re-inserted by author at revision stage)
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- Acknowledgements removed
- Self-citation minimised and replaced with [author]
- Writing and formatting
- Word count (6000 maximum)
- Spell check completed (please specify UK, USA, Australia)
- Text in English with foreign references translated
- APA referencing with all references in text appearing in reference list
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- Headings have a maximum three levels bold (16 pt, 14 pt, 12 pt)
- Body text has no underlining or indenting
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- All authors have signed copyright form (Y/N)
Author details (page 3ff)
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- Institution Affiliation: This is the institution you are currently working at, or affiliated with, not the university where you achieved your qualifications.
Copyright form (page 7)
The corresponding author is responsible for collecting the signatures for this form. Each author can sign a separate copyright form if that is more convenient. Please print this page, sign, scan it and email it to intjournalhomeeconomics@ with your submission.