Over 70 years involvement with the UN

IFHE holds consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (1981), FAO (1952) and UNESCO (1965) and is associated to the UN Department of Global Communications DPI.

We use our access to UN platforms to highlight the importance of knowledge on the responsible use of resources at household and consumer level.

Initiator of the International Year of the Family

It was as far back as 1982 that IFHE presented a resolution to the UN and proposed an International Year of the Family. This action and the subsequent lobbying from IFHE together with other NGOs ultimately contributed to the designation of the International Year of the Family (IYF) in 1994. We are proud of being designated IYF Patron, one of the first NGOs to receive such recognition.

Member to UN campaigns

IFHE is member to and officially supports several UN campaigns that relate to home economics concerns.